Endothelial cell
Definition: A mesenchymal-derived, polygonal, rounded, flat, or squamous ("scale-like") cell that lines the inner (luminal) surface of the blood vessels and lymphaic vessels. These cells contain vimentin filaments and are held together by junctional complexes to form a thin, continuous, endothelial cell layer or sheath (endothelium).
Species: Mus musculus
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Time course RNA-seq profiling in sorted endothelial, epithelial, immune, and mesenchymal-derived cells from WT C57BL6 mice Mus musculus E16.5-E17.5 | E17.5-E19.5 | P4-P36 Endothelial cell | Epithelial cell | Immune cell | Mesenchymal derived cell Sorted cells 26
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Time course proteomic profiling in sorted endothelial cells and type II pneumocytes from WT C57BL6 mice Mus musculus E16.5-E17.5 | E17.5-E19.5 | P4-P36 Endothelial cell | Type II pneumocyte Sorted cells 32
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Dataset Species Stage Tissue/Cell Type Sample Prep Samples Explore
Stain Species Datasets
Antibodies Species Datasets
Probes Species Datasets